Self-care: A skill you need to learn

Self-care with Mr. Bachelor

Self-care is deceptively hard to learn

Alright, I’m going to break the fourth wall a little here and let you know I’ve been working on this intro for several days. Self-care is hard and it’s a talent for those born knowing how to do it and a skill that most need to learn.

I’ve touched on this a little before in Love Yourself. You’re stuck with them after all. and the title really says it all. Self-care is all about finding a way to love, treat, and respect yourself.

5 minutes is all you need to start

A little TMI, but my “Oh, this is nice. I like this.” moment came when I purchased an electric razor to mow my lawn, if you catch my drift. Trim my hedges. Make a mini afro for a mini figure. Clear out the fire hazard.

I acknowledge the absurdity in it, but it felt nice (and I don’t mean just the extra airflow). At a time when I was getting problems from multiple sources piled higher than I could clear them out, it felt nice to take a moment to myself that had no importance/significance other than it was something I wanted to do. Nobody was going to benefit from it than me at that time, and that was okay.

From there, I fell off admittedly. I’m back now though and even described some of the self-care tasks that I complete myself daily in How to want to get out of bed. On top of those, I try to take a minute after work to practice a breathing exercise to help me transition from “Work” mode to “Relax” mode.

I also have a journal that I try to write in a few days a week. More on that to come in the future :).

So should you mow your garden?


I’m just playing. Short answer, yeah if you want to. Or maybe try to learn that new skill that you’ve always wanted to. If your love language is that you like to receive gifts, then maybe spoil yourself and get that small trinket that you’ve always wanted but don’t have a place to put it.

The moral is that you need to live in the moment and do something for yourself. You only have one life to live and nobody else to live it for you. There’s nothing to feel guilty about taking an hour out of your day to spend on yourself, especially if it doesn’t hurt anybody or anything.

You got this.

Mr. Bachelor

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Mr. Bachelor

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